iOS 4.1 Jailbreak greenpois0n Coming on 10/10/10 at 10:10:10


Well there you have it folks, the greenpois0n jailbreaking solution for iOS 4.1 has been announced to be among us on 10/10/10 at 10:10:10 am GMT. As you can see above, the tweet by @p0sixninja, the jailbreak should be available when by the time you wake up. So get your USB cables ready to install greenpois0n with all the jailbreaking treats, alongside all of the great stuff in iOS 4.1. Start the countdown.

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Hackers Come Together: Cydia Merges with Rock


They have been rivals for a year and a half, but Cydia and Rock unite, as SaurikIT (the makers of Cydia) have acquired Rock and will be moving everything from Rock over to the Cydia store. And, not only will the stores combine, but all the software engineers will be combine as well. Which will make a much better Cydia as all of the knowledge and expertise come together. This is a great thing for all jailbreakers, I'm sure, but users running 4.1 will have to wait a bit longer to see the new Cydia Store as there is still no jailbreak yet. 

Source Cydia | Rock

iOS 4.1 Jailbreak Ready

It is not even out yet, but the good people over at the iPhone Dev Team have managed to Jailbreak iOS 4.1. ?Comex, the creator of the Spirit and jailbreaks is saying that he has already located 2 exploits in iOS 4.1. The first one is similar to the jailbreak as it uses a loophole in iOS itself, which makes it simple for the user to impliment, whereas the second one is in the bootrom of the iPhone at the hardware level. Which makes the second jailbreak will be much harder to impliment than the first, but as the second one is deep down within the iPhone, it will be much harder for Apple to lock it down.

Look for it to be available the same day that iOS 4.1 is, which is rumoured to be September 8th.

Apple to Fix Mobile Safari Bug


Apple has just told CNET that they have fixed the bug in mobile safari which allowed the jailbreakme.comjailbreak by the iPhone Dev Team. The bug that allowed the jailbreak was a security vulnerability in the way it loads PDF files from the Web. An Apple spokesperson said that “We’re aware of this reported issue, we have already developed a fix and it will be available to customers in an upcoming software update,” but there was no word on when it was going to be released.

Whenever this update gets pushed out to the world, the jailbreak will not work and the iPhone Dev Team will have to work out another way to make Steve Jobs very angry.

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Source CNET