Portal 2 DLC Comming in Summer

Valve has just announced that the first DLC for Portal 2. Portal 2 DLC #1 has just started in development and will be geared toward release this summer. Valve announced this Friday (4-29-11) and will offer new test chambers, leaderboards, challenge mode for single and multiplayer modes and much more secret stuff'. They have also announced that this will be free for Mac, PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 which is great but we will half to wait and see for this summer release.

In-Depth Look At Portal 2

The much anticipated Portal 2 hits stores this month and we're already seeing new snippets of in-game gameplay hitting the World Wide Web. Here is a new in-depth look at the new Portal 2 from GameTrailers, which might I add, looks like it could possibly be more mind bending than Inception.  

Nir Schneider


Portal 2: Valentine's Day Gift Buying

Valve posted a video to promote Portal 2 with a gift buying guide for Valentine's Day. And what's the weapon of choice you ask? Oh, I just gave it up.

Nir Schneider
