Orb Music MP-1 Wireless Music Streamer

The Orb Music MP-1 is a music streamer that helps you stream your music wirelessly straight to your speakers or other devices that don't have built-in WiFi or Bluetooth compatibility. The Orb Music streams music using your iPhone or Android device and essentially turns those devices into your remote for controller the music that is played. Find out how well the Orb Music MP-1 performs right after the cut.

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SanDisk Sansa Clip+

With minute offerings from Apple in the form of the famous iPod Shuffle, and iPod Nano, SanDisk offers their version of an ultraportable mp3 player in the Sansa Clip+. The Clip+ is the second generation in the Clip series which offers a bright OLED screen, ultra compact design, and microSD card slot for expansion capabilities. The features presented in this player and the favorable price point make this player a nice alternative for those valuing function over form. More after the break!
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